U 69. GODINI: Preminuli najstariji sijamski blizanci

Sijamski blizanci s najdužim životnim vijekom do sada umrli su 4. jula u 69. godini.

  • Šareni svijet

  • 07. Jul. 2020  07. Jul. 2020

  • 0

Ronnie i Donnie Galyon iz američke savezne države Ohio rođeni su 28. oktobra 1951. godine sa spojenim abdomenom.

Braća su 2014. godine, nedugo prije njihovog 63. rođendana, postala sijamski blizanci koji su najduže živjeli.

Vlasti su navele da su umrli prirodnom smrću.

Još kao djeca počeli su da se pojavljuju na karnevalima i u cirkusima kao atrakcija.

Njihov brat Jim rekao je da je porodica godinama živjela od njihovih prihoda.

Dokumentarni film o braći Galyon televizija TLC emitovala je 2010. godine.

Donnie (left) and Ronnie (right) were born in October 1951, they broke Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest conjoined twins when they turned 63 in 2014. They died this past weekend, on July 4 at the age of 68 after spending the last ten years of their life suffering from various health problems

Donnie (left) and Ronnie Galyon sit inside their Dayton, Ohio, home in 2014, the same year they broke the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest set of conjoined twins. The brothers were born fused from the chest down to their groin with a shared lower-digestive track. Each had their own heart, stomach and set of arms and legs

The brothers entered the circus as sideshow performers starting at age three. They were exhibited in an air conditioned trailer and spectators paid to watch them live daily life., they retired from the circus in 1991 and Ronnie (right) said: 'We had fun when we were growing up'

Ronnie and Donnie Galyon pose in their cowboy suits on their third birthday in Dayton. The boys learned how to walk at 29 months, taking turns going backwards. Their father made the decision to take them on the carnival circuit as a way to support his growing family of nine children

Donie (left) and Ronnie Gaylon (right) are pictured at 28-years-old. The two right-handed brothers had to learn to coordinate daily activities from cooking and cleaning to using the toilet. As teenagers, they would often come to blows, 'But that's understandable when you got somebody right there 24-7, seven days a week, year after year after year,' said their younger brother Jim

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